Sunday 1 April 2012


Piles and Bearers

started the day with finishing the bottom plates from last week, bolting them down with the dyna drill an ratttle gun. after smoko we started to lay out an cut the bearers to go on top of our makeshift piles. we had to stager the joins so that the bears didnt have any weak spots. and also nail the 2 peices on 6x2 together with 4 inch galvinised nails , making sure to nail them in on an angle so that in the long run the timber wont pull apart. mark took us for a math lesson after lunch we went over area diameter and volume. and how to work them out on a building site.

hand tools used
-8m tape
-combination square
-paslode nail gun
-builders pencil

power tools used
-radial arm saw
-dyna drill
-rattle gun

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