Sunday, 22 April 2012



today we started off by marking out the 1st sheet for the flooring. we ran string lines along the joists at 1250mm and used blocks to keep the line straight of the peaces of partical board. after we got the 1st peaice nailed down with 65mm angle grove floorig nails we ran the next peice up next to it and carryed on right the way down to the other end. once we got to the far end of the house we turned around and went back the other way so that we could stagger the joints. the peices were joined in tounge and groove pattern. each peaice had to be glued along the joists with gorilla grip express glue.
 nailing for the flooring had to be nailed in at 150mm spacing around the outside and 200mm spacing throuhg the middle.
hand tools used


power tools used'

nail gun
skill saw

oil stone case.

today we got given some to scale drwaing of how to make an oil stonae case we had to use these drawings to make our own oil stone case. we were given 2 peices of d4s timber at 300mm long. d4s= dressed 4 sides. we had to mark out the oil stone dimentions onto the centure of the timber accuratly. once we had it marked onto the wood  i chiseled around the edge about 3mm inside the my mark to keep the edge from chipping off. once i had it near 13mm deep i used grounding router to even of the bottom of it. i then marked out the top of the case the same as the bottom and chiseled it out to the same 13mm deep. the bottom had to be a tight fit but the lid had to be 1mm loose so that the stone couldnt fall out but the lid was loose enough to get it off. we i ten marked out the lid an planed each sie an end to give a 45 degree pitch on each side at end. the bottom also had to have feet chiesled to stable it on un even surfaces. i marked 35mm in from each end of te timber an then marked the centure of the timber an cut down 5mm into the ceture line. i then drew a line from the 35mm line to the 5m cut then chiseled it out.

hand tools used

hand plane
grounding plane

power tools used


Tuesday, 17 April 2012



today we started off by marking out the 1st sheet for the flooring. we ran string lines along the joists at 1250mm and used blocks to keep the line straightt of the peaces of partical board. after we got the 1st peice nailed down with 65mm angle grove floorig nails we ran the next peice up next to it and carryed on right the way down to the other end. once we got to the far end of the house we turned around and went back the other way so that we could stagger the joints. the peices were joined in tounge and groove pattern. each peaice had to be glued along the joists with gorilla grip express glue.

 nailing for the flooring had to be nailed in at 150mm spacing around the outside and 200mm spacing throuhg the middle this info came from the manufactures broshures

corners were nailed 50 mm the 50mm and then along with 150mm. i cut the the timber with a skill saw. to keep it straight we clamped a strait edge on to the flooring. ran the saw along the edge and it gave me a perfct line and an accurate cut. safety gear that was need, ear muff and saftey goggles. and also made sure that every body else was out of harms way.

hand tools used

power tools used'

nail gun
skill saw

Monday, 16 April 2012


joists an bearers

Today we started out on the building i finished off my man hole from yesterday buy putting on the joist hangers and lining up the joists at 450 centures. after lunch we put up string lines and used blocks on top of each joists to make sure they were level each joists either had to be packed up with dpc paper or if the joist was to high it had to be taken out an the bearer was plane down to match.. after we got them all level i measured out at 450 centures i nailed them all down on each side of the joist. i used my tape an measured the under neath of the joists so that later in the build we can just pull the top across to match the bottom. after all the joists were strait we ran a plank across the top of the joists to hold them strait while the floor was being nailed down. to work out how many joists were needed i divided the length of the house floor by .450. eg 17.2m divided by 450mm. the nailing pattern for the joists were 2 nails 1 top 1 bottom at the ends an through the middle it was 1 nail on each side of the joist but nailed into each alternate bearer.

hand tools used
8m tape

power tools used

nail gun
radial arm saw

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


joists and bearers

today we started by finishing the bearers from yesterday and starting the joists. we started marking out the boundry joists where they had to sit on the edge of the bearers. we tacked each end of the joists so we could the hit each corner a square it up. after that we got put into groups an got given seperate jobs. me an eru got given the cutting job on the radial arm saw. i chaecked the end on the joists for sqaure and if they were algood i mark out 7190mm an cut it. the number of joists worked out to be 35.6 so round that up to 36. i.e. 15.5 / 0.450.
 the joists then were put inside the boundry joists an tacked at each end 450 centeres the whole way. using 4inch galvinised nails.after lucnch i got put onto making the man hle in the linen cupboard, i started by looking at the plans and transfering them onto the boundry joists. then i measured an marked out the hole i needed to cut out an pulled the joists back out ct out my 600mm hole +90mm+90mm which is to compensate for the doulble joist to that was needed to make it abit stronger. i measured an worked out what the gap in the middle on the double joists was an cut 4 bits at 807mm to fit inbetween.
nailed them together marked out with my tape an square where thay needed to sit to be square an nailed it all up.

A= joist
B= trimming joist
C= curtailed joist
D= trimmer joist

hand tools used
-1m rule
-8m tape

power tools used
-radial arm saw
-paslode nail gun

Sunday, 1 April 2012


Piles and Bearers

started the day with finishing the bottom plates from last week, bolting them down with the dyna drill an ratttle gun. after smoko we started to lay out an cut the bearers to go on top of our makeshift piles. we had to stager the joins so that the bears didnt have any weak spots. and also nail the 2 peices on 6x2 together with 4 inch galvinised nails , making sure to nail them in on an angle so that in the long run the timber wont pull apart. mark took us for a math lesson after lunch we went over area diameter and volume. and how to work them out on a building site.

hand tools used
-8m tape
-combination square
-paslode nail gun
-builders pencil

power tools used
-radial arm saw
-dyna drill
-rattle gun