Monday 19 March 2012


today in carpenrty level 4 we started the day in the e shed an discussed what was going to happen today. matt told us about the itm framing an roof truss plant we were going to visit. once we got to the plant we meet the owner an he started the tour. i experinced how farms were made in a facotry and how fast thay could make them and how accurate the end product was. i learnt abit abiut the grading of timber and the treaments. after smoko we dicussed on the board with matt about timber treatments their grading an in what conditions differnt graded/treated timber has to be used. after lunch it was math. this inclueded pythagours therom/ square roots. just before 3rd break we learnt how to used the builders level i.e. setting it up accuratly and moving station. after smoko we sat down on the class room an bloged our day.

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